IJSO: Online Competitive Encyclopedia

Aims of IJSO-

  1. To reward excellence in the field of natural sciences
  2. To develop international contacts in the field of natural sciences


The syllabus for IJSO is broadly equivalent to the senior secondary level (Class XI and XII) of CBSE Junior Science. This is only a rough guideline, and there is no detailed syllabus given for IJSO.
For further information, visit http://ijsoweb.org

Preparation Tips

Back to basics (NCERT) –

We cannot emphasize much about the role NCERT books play in the preparation journey of a student. They are the very base, the foundation. NCERTs will help you to grab a concept effortlessly. Although they are not enough for the practical questions (for which reference books are required), they may help you to retain the knowledge in the best possible way and solidify your foundation.

Choose the right reference books –

After NCERTs, the next crucial step is to choose the right reference books in order to practice the numerical questions. Use them for problem solving only and not for understanding the concepts. The reference books can help you to ace the preparation game through practicing regularly. The more you practice, more are the chances to score good in this exam.

Make notes –

Organized work is very important when preparing for Olympiads. Making concise notes for all of the concepts will help you to grab and visualize the concept easily, as well as, it will help you to revise it in the near future. Try to include the flow charts, diagrams etc. while making notes.

Solve sample papers-

You do not have to wait to complete the whole syllabus in order to practice the sample papers. Keep attempting the questions for the topics you have covered.

Go for group studies-

Compare your preparation techniques with your friends. Keep on cross questioning each other during the session to test your knowledge.

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Anirudh Gupta
IIT Delhi Computer Science CBSE Class 12 - 94.2% RMO Awardee
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