INBO: Online Competitive Encyclopedia

INBO is the second stage of the Biology Olympiad Programme organised by Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE) in 5 phases.

Stage-1 = National Standard Examination for Biology (NSEB)

Stage-2 = Indian National Biology Olympiad (INBO)

Stage-3 = Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC)

Stage-4 = Pre-Departure Training Camp (PDT)

Stage-5 = Participation in international Biology Olympiad (IBO)

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  1. To promote a career in science for talented students
  2. To compare educational methods and exchange experiences.


There is no detailed syllabus provided for INBO. However, it is the second stage of the Indian Science Olympiad, so the syllabus can be similar to NSEB, focusing mainly on biology.

  • Biodiversity and its conservation and Environmental Issues
  • Ecosystem
  • Organisms and Populations
  • Principles of Inheritance and Variation
  • Reproduction in Organisms
  • Cell division: Mitosis and Meiosis
  • Protein synthesis and Transportation
  • Biotechnology
  • Microbiology
  • Cell Biology: Structure and function of cells
  • Anatomy of plants and animals
  • Plant physiology and Animal physiology

Preparation Tips

Be very clear with the exam pattern-

Analyse the exam pattern to have an idea about the essential topics and strategise your preparation accordingly.

Read biology books by different authors-

It would be best to have a perfect hold over your theoretical knowledge because raw memorisation will not get you far. Instead, keep on delving deeper into the concepts so they may enhance your knowledge.

Do not forget to make notes-

Whenever you study, make sure to make concise notes of all the topics you covered. They will come in handy when you revise.

Practice sample Papers-

Practising previous year sample papers will help you know where you lack in your preparation. You can invest more time accordingly. Thus, you can gauge your practice quickly.

Manage your time-

The proper syllabus has not been provided, so you have to read lots and lots of books. Keep in mind to manage your time, so that you cover all the essential concepts within your preparation time frame. It would be best if you have a study plan and be disciplined.

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Anirudh Gupta
IIT Delhi Computer Science CBSE Class 12 - 94.2% RMO Awardee
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